of course there's up and down in life.
'drugs' to heal pain is believing urself and never give up.
Sunday, July 3
Yesterday, candid pics
cappuccino break in boundary mills store, act we had it today after went to CBS.
the scenery on the way, isnt it cool? living in greenish countryside. :D
3rd July, which is today and it is Faiz (Fatin's little brother) birthday. i bought him a full set of transformers card game and that why he got this hyper (being sarcastic). nway Happy Birthday Little Buddy :)))
candid of eywa, while having lunch in MCCH. our menu was nasi with lamb curry. NICE :D
fatin is there too, still peace yh! u while eating. lolzxD
the starter before lunch fox's biscuits. and candid with fatin keys cos i like the combination. hee.
this is Zara, a-little-sweet-pie who 'randomly' came to us and chat. nway she's cute though.
this is one of the slacker who doesnt want to continue playing yesterday and just sat there showing off her pinky-fake-crocs. xDDD