KarisD leaving
29 June '11, a day before karis leaving, we helped her for packing. She slept at our house a night before and we had a good time together, playing monopoly in which she hate the most, after losing many time, haha. poor her, she's not a pro. the best thing is I won the game and i'm the one who made everybody losing their properties. hahaha(evil laugh)we had a meal next, just a normal breakfast with honey puffs and milk plus some rice (BUT IN A SEPERATE MEAL) the quarrel begins afterward. it was me who started. i want to sit on her place but she didnt give it then i went ok, i'll go and eat outside despite of being too sensitive about it. tbh, no one fault cos it wasnt really a big deal. it was just ME who having a bad mood in sudden, in addition i even lied about ipod and said its broke which totally made karis mad and left without a word.because of this issue, we try to heal them by giving a sweet farewell present and -sorry, you're leaving- card.
the present from NEXT.
a full set of next perfume with body wash, moiturising, facial cream.
silly speech signature. Karis asked why dont u guys write something on it as a mark.
in the meantime while waiting for the 'real' pack, i've taken a shot of my new beautiful shiny watch that i received 2 weeks after bought it. (it was such a long wait)
the leaving card. ; (
our mumbling message which 'SOME' doesnt really make sense or in short nonsense cos its too much to talk. seriously.
lastly from me. I LOVE YOU and gonna MISS u KARIS! xoxo
hence the laughter