Thursday, April 19

friend make up, I miss u guys so much...

simple start, it was last week on 14th of april, i had a-small-but-special reunion with my old friend. Hurraayyy!!!
finally reaching them. first meet, of course there some awkwardness happen between us. well we havent meet for 4 yrs what do u expect.

nway our day out was rock!!! We kill it perfectly...firstly by karaoke...almost one and half hours, we nailed almost 10-15 songs (i think but no sure). dont ask about the's a shameless scene tbh, my first time ever been in the small room for karaoking. most of song was breathtaking like adele set fire to the rain, demi skyscarper, katy hot and cold & bla...bla..blah... and im telling u i almost lost my voice. It was seriously and extremely hard to sing well. freakingly suck but it ok still 'manage' to

hence the laughter