see all these paints guys? pretty impressive.right?
i know2. its kinda of boring. oh well, my mind just popped with this random stuff. i loved the way van gogh inspired those paints although he's abit sentimental artist.
i mean his passion to art was too tense but too bad it misleads him to painful anxiety in which later caused his death.
anyway, back to the paint, see the sunflowers? guess how many of 'em?
tell u what people, forget the count. let go to the fact. the sunflowers represent a subject of two series of still life. van gogh once shared letter to his brother to express his feeling & gratitude "It is a kind of painting that rather changes in character, and takes on a richness the longer you look at it. You know that the peony is jennin's, the hollyhock belongs to quost, but the sunflower is somewhat my own." man...his thought is WAY tell how much emotion he has put into that effective artwork.
different thought of mine, i personally think that the paint could be reflect to the new meeting friend. Likewise, we as people, ALWAYS judge everything from its cover. but why? why dont we know them first? that help for friendship. right?
(too sophisticated? sorry but i dont really know or even justify if this reflect is relevant or not to his, anyway no offence.)
Fine, let say informally, my sister. she has too many fussy things in her life that really bring me an extreme annoyance. but still i appreciate her attitudes, times and loveliness tht she brought to me, makes me thinks that we need each other in our life and no one else could replace that.
and so yh. (get what i mean now)
to conclude...??? well frankly speak. no idea cos its just a new inspire post for today.
hence the laughter