again another trip to liverpool. but this time we went there with kak syma and zack (2 random people we known just a week after they lived in Manchester) but let me tell u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the trip was second trip after alton towers, it was a bit rushing cos we went here like two or three days after went to alton towers, and was totally unplanned.
below were some sweetness we'd been through...and to share...

if last time i missed. but not for this time. the beatles story in albert dock. at last i've made my mark already. hahaha. xD
posing time started:

see that mid guy. he loved to tease eywa and also be friend with her. oppsss...wrong. did i just said be close friend as in a really really really close friend. (evil voice) u get that do u? LOLLL xDDD
jumping time:
when the atmosphere want us to be formal for group pic xD:
to end the image let's do chack! chack! pose (like eywa called it),,,,,till we meet again with another interesting pose.
hence the laughter