concerning and worrying, both are different thing. right?
i know. i know. people would think that this is just a smallest thing to worry about. well u noe, me. hehe. not really getting hysteria but just CONCERNING. concerning and worrying are different things right? nway on that day, i was basically concerning about blackheads on my nose. so decide to do this, some sort of homemade facial. did I just said HOMEMADE? sorry. that's just sounds wrong. some kind of facial therapy. it's natural. which means that chemical free. nothing to do with artificial cream, moisture of anything. hee. :Dfirst facial process is to do with EGG and TISSUES. i know some of u guys maybe disgusted when egg is ON ur face. but girls, being disgust only for 15 mins wouldn't be that eeuuwww. cos the smooth and fair skin is what we get in return. hee :Dsecond facial process is to do toothbrush and toothpaste. i know this is looking so odd to me but the combination of toothpaste on nose doesnt really disgusted, unlike with egg. when i tried, the mint doesnt really felt on nose, maybe cos brushed it too hard. better try it slowly next time. (nodding).
and this is the result after both process, actually i would've call this as a big proceed. proceed for removing blackheads. xDhence the laughter