the time we shared, the laugh we 'exposed', the cry we expressed
mostly means so deep. well i dont really know how to put it word gracefully,
as u'all know i'm not one of poetry girl or quoting brainiac,
so dont really mind, if dont get it, just ignore,
if u get it, then let's thought about it ;)
i wrote thing that came in my mind.

mostly means so deep. well i dont really know how to put it word gracefully,
as u'all know i'm not one of poetry girl or quoting brainiac,
so dont really mind, if dont get it, just ignore,
if u get it, then let's thought about it ;)
i wrote thing that came in my mind.

i missed moment tht we spent, and place we marked before,
its difficult for me to express what i meant, but i know there's
a reason that we belong together and stay strong with the bond we built
from the 1st and till now, we dont even want to miss tht moment,
so to fatin, karis, eywa and hafiza
dont be sad let's enjoy our very time till our very end.
hence the laughter