Tuesday, July 7

Today was raining heavily! me and muna run over the rain together! such-a -lovely-day! we both holding hand together as crossing pecked from the archer's bow! lolz...xD

actually, i was worried about hilwah on that time! thought that she lost over these heavy rain cuz she said she wanted to walk home!
but the scene became different. i was the last came home after her! ha-ha...pissed off!


such a relieve! i am 'out of the nightmare' of english paper!

maybe such a crappy thing as well! cuz i have no idea answered for each question!
muna keep on frightening me! said that section A suppose to be seperated! and the 'Search for my tongue' suppose to be compared with 'Island man'. i did it differently! 0-o
but dun mind really (: at least out-of-surrounding english paper! eventhough it just a mock exam! but still! i've much considered about it!
p/s: ms hamlett did said to me,,, if i do well and get at least C grade for these papers, she will put me for higher tier! (wonder how i would react in future! ) but it still in a long run! :)))

p/s: english not correct but still tried to improve! thank you for understand!
it is 'for god sake' a swear word? u think? *_*

hence the laughter