x dpt bygkn?..................................................................................................................................................
bertape peritnyer rse ariniy (agknyer sbb malas sgt kowt bngun pagi tuh psl lenguh satu bdan!)
.............................padahal letih sbb byk abis mase ngn karis smlm...............................
pagi tu,,,pergi skola pon lmbat! bas dtg lewat~ ..........................tu yg perkara yg 'agk' meyampah
bgi fyzz..............................
tpi x kesah la mula2 start lesson,,,fyzz da dpt 'ms' bru dlm RE nmernyer Ms England,,,agk kelam-kabut skit orgnyer............................................................................................................................
mner dier pergi - x sah kalau x lari ~haiy~ (sian dier! agknyer cmtuh kehidupan cikgu ke hulu-hilir je)
bgi fyzz..............................
tpi x kesah la mula2 start lesson,,,fyzz da dpt 'ms' bru dlm RE nmernyer Ms England,,,agk kelam-kabut skit orgnyer............................................................................................................................
mner dier pergi - x sah kalau x lari ~haiy~ (sian dier! agknyer cmtuh kehidupan cikgu ke hulu-hilir je)
tpi beeessstttttt~,,,,,,,tummy full-of-laugh
----non-stop giggling----'looking at her accent when she talk'
.................seems like a proper-wacky-sentences................
mner x nyer dier ckp cepat sgt!.....cop3 da abis! satu patah hampeh pon fyzz x paham
tpi kitaorng x bljar paper pon actually kt klas tuh,,, 'just mess about---chatting with friend'
(can u figure out how bored am i? on that time!!!;)
lucky that we watch 'City of Angels'
......................dwelling on the story......................
...tertidur jugak! fyzz akhirnyer dlam kelas tuh!...
----non-stop giggling----'looking at her accent when she talk'
.................seems like a proper-wacky-sentences................
mner x nyer dier ckp cepat sgt!.....cop3 da abis! satu patah hampeh pon fyzz x paham
tpi kitaorng x bljar paper pon actually kt klas tuh,,, 'just mess about---chatting with friend'
(can u figure out how bored am i? on that time!!!;)
lucky that we watch 'City of Angels'
....................................................fantasy, interesting, thriller............................................
.............................. tpi msih tertanya-tanya aper messages yg nk disampaikan............................0_o...........................
.............................. tpi msih tertanya-tanya aper messages yg nk disampaikan............................0_o...........................
......................dwelling on the story......................
...tertidur jugak! fyzz akhirnyer dlam kelas tuh!...
----------------------x dpt bygkn bertape bosannyer hari niy!----------------------
hence the laughter