B.O.F da abis! x syoknyer...aritu tgk citer korean nie kt mysoju...mmg agk leceh ar skit...tension btul ngn couple yi jung and ga eul...
fyzz adr gk buat 'research' kt tenet...rmai org nk diorg nie couple btul2...da la smer cute n sweet..duh! last2 part dlm BOF
..bknnyer nk tunjuk happy ending antara dua character nie...tpi tuk main character jer..ceh!
..tension btul..
ceritanyer agk tergantung
...tpi tpelah...
x bleh tgk diorg smer pon biarlah..hope so...tht there'll be a drama matched both of them..hee~ opps! smue mesti tertnyer-tnyer psl clip video nie kn? x der aper2 yg special pon! hek3..cmer lgu favourite fyzz jer...dlm crite tuh!:PPP